
YouTube: Resource for Love

In this global digital age, website giant YouTube has revolutionized how Internet users communicate with one another. People can become virtual friends, leave messages in public forums, and, now, get lesbian love advice.

Long Beach resident A.J. has used YouTube as her own avenue of providing fellow lesbian YouTubers with lesbian dating advice. A.J. admits that she was not the first to use this particular outlet. She was originally a seeker of such advice when she realized that the topic was dominated by gay men. Wanting a lesbian perspective, A.J. took matters into her own hands and created her own YouTube channel.

On her page, A.J. answers questions from viewers all around the world in at least two videos a week. She makes it a point to keep humor in her videos, to keep things light, while she answers serious questions from her curious viewers; her most common questions revolve around how to come out to one's family.

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